


Monday Finish in Fourth Place
Monday completed their league programme on 12th August with the final game at Ixworth.
Bacton goes into this match in third place just half a point ahead of Ixworth, so a win or even a draw would keep us in third. Unfortunately it did not work out and we lost the match by just a single point at 72 -73, so so close! A sterling effort but it was not to be but well done to the Monday squad who kept us in the hunt throughout the season. Onward and upward, we try again next year.

Our volunteers were kept busy at the Bacton Show on Saturday, we took along our bowling game (what else!) and a bean bag target game for the more junior customers, a great time was had by all. Grateful thanks go Jan, Joy, Alan and Harry for all their hard works.

Congratulations to Jason Scruby & John Gibson who won the Brantham open tournament on Sunday 21st June. In third place was our other Bacton entry Janice & Alan Budden, great day all round, keep up the good work. Well done to all four

Half term report subject to verification
We are now starting the return legs of the league , which is perhaps a good time to look at where we stand ............
Monday; sees us in 2nd place, just 3 points behind the current leaders Ixworth.
Tuesday; holding 4th spot, although still two matches to play (to the half way point), due to rained off matches.
Wednesday; again in 2nd place just 1.5 points behind Sproughton.
Thursday; we hold the top spot 3 points ahead of our nearest rival.
Good result all round and well done to everybody who has contributed, keep up the great work.

Busy! Busy time at the Bacton Village Fete, we took two games along and were frantically trying to keep up for most of the afternoon. Our grateful thanks go to Sarah Wickenden who kindly donated her prize back to the club and to all compeditors who tried their luck and helped us raise funds for the bowl club. A great afternoon.


Come and join in with our taster session for those new to bowls and help and advice for our newer members. Drop in anytime between 2pm and 4pm.


The 2024 Season started w/c 15th April with games on Wednesday and Thursday and both teams pulling out good wins. Congratulations to all concerned and keep up the good work.

A huge thank you to the Wesley Ukelele Band, who gave us a great nights entertainment. A well supported event which really caught the imagination, with a number of members joining in (looks like Karaoke is on the menu now).

We raised money from donations to the bands favorite charity ( detection dogs) and a draw for club funds. Thank you for your generous support to all those who attended.
Next event is a Casino night on 16th March

Thank you to all of those who came out to support the Quamble yesterday.
There was a very good turn out of 44 adults and 20 children, quite the family event. The weather was kind to us, although a bit muddy under foot. We all managed to complete the course and we didn’t have to send the search party out for anyone.
A big thank you to Harry and Joy for putting in all the hard work to organise the event . Also thank you to the ladies who made the soup, it was delicious, Linda who helped Joy in the kitchen and Jay for all the washing up, not forgetting Andrew behind the bar. As you will see from the photos, there wasn’t a spare seat to be had.


A great night of fun and laughter, our 'Casino Night' took place on Saturday 30th September. Supported by a number of members and friends who had their entry fees converted into chips which allowed them to play the tables. At the end of the evening the person with the most chips won a substantial prize. The crowds went home happy wanting more and it is hoped another evening can be organized in the future.

Tuesday league is now complete, our final match saw Bacton win on three rinks and overall, which saw them emulate the Wednesday team by beating the league winners who until now had only lost one match. Congratulations to all the Tuesday players who went one better than the Wednesday team by finishing third in their league.
Finals weekend is here again, we have matches on Friday evening (5.30pm) Saturday morning 10am and evening (5.20pm) and various times throughout Sunday. Spectators are welcome .

Commiserations to Jason, who after a tough battle lost his final Stowmarket League Mens game by just four points (17-21) to Dennis Andrews of Stanton Bowls Club. Congratulations to Dennis and we feel sure Jason will look forward to a return match next season.
Well done to Jason who won his semi final, 21 - 9. Just one match to go now, the final is today 3rd Sept, 2pm at Thorndon Bowls Club. Wishing you all the best Jason.
Very best wishes go to Jason Scruby who reached the semi final of Stowmarket League Mens Individual Competition which will be played at the Rookery, Stowmarket, 10am on 2nd September. Come on Jason! best of luck.
Thursday 24th saw Bacton take an emphatic 83 -38 win at Thorndon claiming all four rinks and maximum league points. Congratulations to all those who played the Thursday matches and helped them reach third in the league table. Keep up the good work.
Wednesday 23rd August saw our final Wednesday league match of the season. Winning on two rinks and taking the overall win with a score of 60 - 53, gave us another four league points. This final match was against runaway league winners Framlingham, who until now had lost just one match all season, means with finish in fourth place. Congratulations to everybody who played the Wednesday league in this difficult season. Looking forward to next year already.
On Sunday, 20th August we hosted our open tournament sponsored by Jeffries of Bacton. There had been a three year break due to Covid and Corvid problems and it was pleasing to see all six rinks being used for the first time since lockdown. Twelve teams took part, two from Borough of Eye, two from The Rookery, Stowmarket, one from East Bergholt near the Essex/Suffolk border, one from Bredfield, near Woodbrige and one from Gissing , over the border in Norfolk. The other five teams were made up of Bacton members with one containing a guest player from the Chelmsford area.

Four games of eight ends were played over the course of the day with a sit down lunch in the middle. Round one started with widely spaced woods as visitors and home players alike took time to find their feet. Defending tournament champions, Gissing came out on top losing just two ends, with Bacton 1, East Bergholt and Bredfield finishing the first round just two points behind.
Round two saw East Berholt take to the lead followed closely by Bacton 1, with Bacton 2 and Gissing , both 4 points behind the leaders.
After lunch and a little fundraising fun on the green we returned to the serious business. Once again Bacton 1 (42 points) consolidates their position at the front with another win and a further 14 points, Boro' of Eye 2 (38 points) pops out of the shadows to gain second place with a tidy win and with Bacton 2 (36 points) remaining in third place and Bacton 5, another team from the shadows, taking fourth with 34 points.

The final round; can anybody stop Bacton 1? East Bergholt thinks so. Still smarting after their post lunch loss sent them tumbling down the order, they come back to take the win against the front runners . Bacton 2 can only manage a draw against revitalised Bacton 4 and are left wondering what might have been. Boro of Eye 2 also managed a draw but only managed to win a couple of ends to get there and therefore gained less points to lose their position.
So we finish the day with East Bergholt coming back to take fourth prize, with Boro' of Eye 2 taking 3rd. Bacton 2 finished 2nd, with all three teams earning 46 points and separated only by their shot difference, leaving Bacton 1, that is Jason Scruby, Paul Merry and Len Dilworth on 48 points, taking first prize and the Jeffries Tournament Trophy, which was presented by Philip Jeffries

Our sincere thanks go to Philip and Rosemary Jeffries for their kind support and sponsorship since the very first tournament in 1988.
Monday league activity has now been completed, after holding our own in the top four, for most of the season, the last few matches saw us struggle with a depleted team to our finishing position of 6th. Well done 'Monday' let's look forward next year with a settled team and renewed hope.
Stowmarket League Knockout Triples, Semi Final played at Mendlesham on August 13th. This was anybodies game after sixteen ends but Eye had the strength in depth to pull away in the final two ends to take the win 81-71. Congratulations Borough of Eye and thanks for a great match, good luck in the final. Our thanks must also go to Mendlesham Bowls Club for providing a great playing surface and the refreshments afterwards were most welcome.
Friday 28th July: Round 2 of the Stowmarket Knockout Triples saw Bacton take a commanding victory 77 -53 over Combs Ford taking three rink wins and one draw. Congratulations Bacton, semi final will be against Borough of Eye (should be a good one).
Friday 9th June: Junior Cup action again today, unfortunately Ixworth were a little too strong for us this time, winning 74 shots to Bacton's 61. Congratulations to Ixworth and we wish you the best of luck for the next round.
Due to the current hectic schedule of games, it has been necessary to postpone the club BE 3 Wood Triples competition on 4th June to a date later in the season. Date to be confirmed in due course.
Once again congratulations go to our Bacton team on their win in round 1 of the Stowmarket League Knockout Triples, with a winning margin of 15 shots against an eleven man Ixworth.
The Arthur Stevenson Memorial Pairs took place on Sunday May 28th with 24 members participating, with Pat Retief and Andrew Ward the overall winners, many congratulations to you both.
26th May - Congratulations to the team on their win in round 1 of the SCBA, Area D, Junior Cup, beating Great Barton 84 - 68
Club night starts this Tuesday 6.30pm and every Tuesday May - August. Come and try your hand at bowls, enjoy a pint and watch the game as well.
Free TASTER SESSIONS 29th April at 2pm and every Saturday throughout May (except Coronation Day). Come and give it a try, you don't know what your missing!
Don't forget the Race Night on Sat 29th April
Jeffries Tournament back on the calendar on 20th August (see Billboard for details)
First leagues matches start ...... Tues 18th April at Stanton, Wednesday 19th at Brandon, Monday 24th at Bramford and Thursday 11th May at Thorndon

Another enjoyable quiz, once again congratulations go to the ladies (second time this year), their partners will need to do some serious swotting before the next quiz on May 27th.
Thanks to John G. for some great questions

Events coming up.............
April 1st General Knowledge Quiz - Full no more entries available.
April 29th Race Night
OPEN DAYS, every Saturday throughout May 2pm, for people wishing to give the game a try out.
Our fundraising Darts Competition took place on Saturday 18th March. Congratulations to the winners Sandra, John & Jeff. Thank you to all those that attended and supported this event. Next social event is our General Knowledge Quiz on 1st April.


The first of our General Knowledge Quiz took place on Saturday 25th February. Congratulations to the winners Dawn, Jan, Kathy, Maggie and Jules.
Our next quiz will be Saturday 1st April.
Our thanks to Linda for finding the questions to get us all thinking.

Our victorious team from the Knockout Triples Final at Ixworth.
back row l-r... Alan Budden, Brian Last, Rod Goldring, Jason Scruby, Sid Elmer
front row l-r... Jan Budden, Andrew Ward, Lee Potter, Pat Last, Sue Arnold, Len Burrows and John Gibson.
With special mention to Joy & Harry Steed who played in the qualifiers but were unavailable for the final.
WINNERS - (Runners-up)
Ladies 2 wood Singles
PAT LAST - (Jan Budden)
Mens 2 wood Singles
JASON SCRUBY - (Brian Last)
Mens 4 wood Singles
LEE POTTER - (Brian Last)
Open 4 wood Singles
JASON SCRUBY - (Brian Last)
Handicap 4 wood Singles
LEN BURROWS - (Brian Last)
Veterans 3 wood Singles
JOHN GIBSON - (Jay Francis)
Drawn Pairs 2 wood
JAY FRANCIS & BRIAN LAST - (Pat Retief & Alan Budden)
Drawn Pairs 4 Wood
GEORGE NORMAN & BRIAN LAST - (Pat Retief & John Gibson)
Mixed Pairs 4 Wood
PAT LAST & BRIAN LAST - (Pat Retief & Andrew Ward)
Our finals weekend approaches Fri 9th - Sun 11th September, all semi-finals have now taken place and the finals weekend programme has been published with the last games finishing Sunday afternoon followed by a sausage and burger barbecue. The green then closes for major renovation work following the pest damage caused earlier this year.
Good Luck to all our finalists and to the members who will be helping the green team repair our playing surface for next year.

Bacton wins K .O. Triples
After a close fought match Bacton were able to pull ahead in the last few ends for a magnificent win in the Stowmarket League Knockout Triples at Ixworth Bowls Club last Sunday 4th Sept. Bacton were six points ahead after just four ends but valiant efforts by Haughley saw them reduce the deficit to one point just two ends later, Bacton held on to a marginal lead with Haughley not giving an inch, keeping the scores within a couple of points until the 16th end when Haughley drew level and a tussle to the finish over those last two ends saw Bacton take 12 points with 3 going to Haughley. A great effort by both teams with the final score Bacton 67 - Haughley 58.
Good luck to the Bacton Team competing in the Stowmarket Leagues KO Cup Final tomorrow, Sunday 4th September at 2pm

See full details on Billboard (Event Posters) page

Stowmarket League Knockout Cup semi final at Haughley 12th August. After a hard fought match against Old Newton, Bacton eventually took a comfortable win (72-57) to reach their first KO Cup final in over 30 years.
After five ends Bacton were 9 points adrift but at the half way stage this was reduced to five and by the 12th end was three, on the next end Bacton were 3 points in the lead following a great tactical change of playing positions on rink 3 which gave them the winning shots on all but one of their final six ends, which along with the other rinks all holding their nerve a further 26 points were amassed in the final five ends of the match. A superb winning performance against much fancied opposition. We wish the team the very best for the final against Haughley at the Stow' League Finals day on 4th September at Ixworth.

Bacton reaches Stowmarket League KO Triples semi final following our win on Friday evening (29th Jul) against Borough of Eye, final score was 83-48. Our semi final opponents are Old Newton.
Stow League calls off Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th games due to extreme heat warning.
Congratulations also, to Alan Budden on reaching the semi final of the Men Champion of Champions
Congratulations to Pat Last on reaching the Area D final of the Ladies Champion of Champions.

Our Jubilee display in St Mary's Church. We will also have our bowls and marble games at the Jubilee Fete at Bacton Manor on Saturday.
Our foray into the Junior Cup came off the tracks with a loss by 47 points. Oops! Valiant effort from Jason, Sid & Roy but the deficit was just too much to make up. We wish Haughley good luck in the next round.
Tuesday and Thursday came out winners this week. Good work all!
Three wins this week, well done to Tues, Wed & Thur. Two of those wins by just one and two points, close calls but points in the bag nevertheless
Great win last night Woodfield 51 - Bacton 78, keep up the good work Thursday team.
Not many games this week but a nice win for Tuesday team Needham Mkt B 33 - Bacton 42
Congrats to Tuesday.
Our new storage solution is here. Our most grateful thanks to Portable Space Ltd. for all their help with the supply and delivery

Great start to the new season, two games with two wins. Congratulations to our Monday team ... Botesdale 58 - Bacton 74 and to our Thursday team ... Rookery 50 - Bacton 55.
The first of our General Knowledge Quiz took place on Saturday 23rd April. Congratulations to the winners the Super Six. Our next quiz will be Friday 15th July.
Next Social event is our Spring Barbecue on Saturday 14th May.
Our annual fundraising Darts Competition took place on Saturday 26th March, with 7 teams taking part. Congratulations to the winners Jayne, Maggie & Rob. Thank you to all those that attended and supported this event. Next social event is our General Knowledge Quiz on 23rd April


The playing programmes are now available. Members can collect these tonight at the members meeting 7.30pm
The green will open at the end of April - dates to follow.........
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